The Gospel of Jesus- Four Perspectives- One Transforming Story
Melissa Overmyer (Spring Semester 2019)
Section 1:
“In the beginning was the Word…And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…”
January 16th
Week 1: “EVANGELION” =Good News
Intro: The players-who’s who, what’s the difference in the four Gospels, symbols in art, who, what, when, where, the why of the time.
Lesson: So what’s so good about the news? God loves us!
How to do this study
January 23rd
Week 2: Annunciation/Visitation Luke 1:5-80
“Fiat”= Yes!
“Magnificat” =Amazing!
Will we say YES to the journey with Jesus? Why Mary?
January 30th
Week 3: Birth of Jesus Luke 2: 1-52
“YESHUA”=Adonai saves
“Hide and seek” the hidden life of Jesus- all seeking for the consolation of Israel
“Where is He who was born the King of the Jews?”
Who is Jesus? He is the prophesied and chosen one.
What are you seeking? You will find it here.
February 6th
Week 4: Baptism Luke 3:15-22
“BAPTIZO”=baptize submerge, sink, wash clean
Trinity seen, Priest, Prophet and King, Anointed for Mission
The Holy Spirit makes us ready and equipped for mission
February 13th
Week 5: Temptation Luke 4:1-13
“Ago”= to lead by grabbing ahold of
Are you lead by the Spirit or the Flesh?
Overcoming Pride, Vanity and Sensuality- Discernment of Spirits
February 20th
Week 6: Come and See…Follow Me, Calling of the 12 John 1:35-51 & Luke 5:1-11 “Akoloutheo” =to cleave steadfastly to one and conform wholly to his example
What are you being called from and to? Who will you follow? Jesus or the world?
Section 2: “…and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son…
February 27th
Week 7: Cana: Miracles, signs and wonders John 2:1-12
“sēmeíon” = sign (typically miraculous), given especially to confirm, corroborate or authenticate. emphasizes the end-purpose which exalts the one giving it. Accordingly, it is used dozens of times in the NT for what authenticates the Lord and His eternal purpose, especially by doing what mere man cannot replicate of take credit for.”
Jesus still performing miracles today- “everybody wants one- nobody wants to be in a position to need one.” Do we trust in the Heart of God to “Do whatever He tells you.”?
March 6th
Week 8: Cleansing of the Temple: John 2:13-25
“hierón”= Temple /hierós, “sacred“) – the entire Temple complex, i.e. all its enclosures (precincts, courtyards) and the central sanctuary.
Jesus is for ALL, He is the new Sacrifice to come. He paid the debt we could not pay. He is the New Temple. Where do you find Sanctuary? What space needs to made in your life and heart in order for this to happen?
March 13th – March 20th Melissa in Israel (Bible Museum field trip and/or one Spring Break Week)
March 27th
Week 9: Woman at the Well– John 4:4-42
“Zao”= to live, be among the living, be alive (not lifeless, not dead)
Forgiveness and Restoration- no matter how far back the offenses go. Jesus came to set all things straight.
“The Glory of God is man fully alive.”
What dead things are you holding onto? Detachment from things that are not life-giving.
April 3rd
Week 10: Healing the Paralytic- Intercessory Mark 2:1-12
“pistis”= “faith” peithô (“to persuade, be persuaded”) which supplies the core-meaning of faith (“divine persuasion“). It is God’s warranty that guarantees the fulfillment of the revelation He births within the receptive believer (cf. 1 Jn 5:4 with Heb 11:1).
Faith (4102/pistis) is always received from God, and never generated by us.
Our faith for others- intersession. Who has God called you to intercede for? Are you a blanket carrier? What extremes would you go to for the restoration of a friend?
April 10th
RETREAT! Week 11: Sermon on the Mount/The Lord’s Prayer Mt 5:1-12
“Makarios”= Blessed.
makários (from mak-, “become long, large”) – properly, when God extends His benefits (the advantages He confers); blessed.
3107 /makários (“blessed”) describes a believer in enviable (“fortunate”) position from receiving God’s provisions (favor) – which (literally) extend(“make long, large”) His grace (benefits). This happens with receiving (obeying) the Lord’s inbirthings of faith. Hence, faith (4102 /pístis) and 3107(makários) are closely associated
How do we become “happy?” Blessed? Obedience birthed out of trust in the only One who knows what’s best and loves us most.
April 24th
Week 12: Feeding of the 5,000 Mark 6:30-44
“eulogeó”= bless “to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers; “Kataklaó” =I break in pieces
“Didómi” =I offer, give
Give Him what you got…In Jesus there is plenty. Even if it is you He is taking, blessing, breaking and giving out to the world.