GWBS Study on Colossians Homework for October 17, 2018 Session 5


Colossians 1:24-2:7

Please read the verses in at least two versions, noting any questions you have for the Lord as you try to receive these truths into your innermost being. Ask yourself as you read: what does this passage tell me about God’s heart, HIs personal love for me, and how I can show His heart to others.

1. vs. 24: What is Paul suffering for their sake?

What does he mean when he says that he “completes what is lacking in Christ’s affliction” for the sake of the Body of Christ?

2. What was Paul called to “ make fully known…”? Specifically, the “mystery” he now discloses is (vs. 27):

3. Why is Paul’s being sent to the Gentiles such a surprising idea? How had Jews regarded Gentiles in the centuries before Christ came? (See Acts 10-11:18)

4. What kinds of “toil” do you think Paul is doing? Toward what stated goal?

5. Paul insists that ALL wisdom and knowledge are IN Christ: believers have no need to add to the gospel. What do you think is “beguiling” about heresies (especially the ones threatening the church in Colossae)?

6. Describe the way Paul urges the Colossians (and us) to live: