30 percent of Washington DC’s residents under 18 live in food-insecure households, meaning they lack the resources necessary to ensure consistent access to adequate food. Many of these children and their families live in Wards 7 and 8.
This season, Covenant Baptist UCC Church on South Capitol Street will provide Thanksgiving “baskets” – 10-12 lb turkeys and all the trimmings – to needy families in these Wards. You can join in contributing 100 “baskets” to this effort. We have a donor for the 100 turkeys and are hoping for partners to help with the trimmings.
If you would like to participate, please bring a “Trimmings Bag” to GWBS on Wednesday, November 13 (or drop the bag at The Kellogg Collection, 5215 Wisconsin Avenue, by November 20).
The ingredients are
- 1 box stuffing mix
- 1 box instant mashed potatoes
- 2 cans corn
- 2 cans string beans
- 2 cans sweet potatoes or candied yams
- 1 can cranberry sauce
- 1 can gravy
- 1 box cake mix
- 1 box or can frosting mix
- 2 reusable grocery bags for easy pick up (one for the turkey, one for the other ingredients)
For planning purposes, please let Pam Green know if you will be bringing a Trimmings Bag. (No pressure!) PamGreen100@gmail.com or 202-365-2874.
If you want to participate and don’t have time to shop, you can donate $25 and we will do the shopping! Please put your donations in an envelope with Turkey Project on the outside and give it to Heidi or Pam at GWBS on Wednesday, November 13 or 20.
Pam Green